Vitamin Shots

$ 35 USD

The Energized Lotus

Hydrate and combat fatigue for dehydration. IV Therapy can instantly rehydrate you, giving your organs maximum functioning. It can also help prevent kidney stones, constipation, and damage to your muscles.

$ 50 USD

The Ageless Lotus

Had a little too much to drink last night? We have you covered. Our Drunken Lotus Drip will combat hangover symptoms such as dehydration, nausea, headaches, upset stomach and muscle fatigue.

$ 40 USD

The Skinny Lotus

Like the beautiful Lotus Flower, this drip will give you the nutrients to rebloom into the most beautiful and ageless self. Anti-aging, collagen synthesis, strengthen hair and nails, helps restore natural radiance and glow

$ 65 USD

The Tri-Immune Lotus

Decrease recovery time and enhance performance. For those of us who are on the go or are athletic tend to suffer from tired muscles, muscle spasms and exhaustion. IV Therapy reduces recovery time and enhances performance quickly and easily.

What does a Lotus flower mean spiritually? Lotus flower meaning includes purity, fertility, compassion, transformation, and spiritual enlightenment.

To start, the lotus has a life cycle unlike any other plant. With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re- blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean. In many cultures, this process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment.

Lotus Drip Wellness Suite was created with a desire to educate the community on the benefits of IV hydration as well as the opportunity to introduce the community to this type of luxury self-care lifestyle. With an overall commitment to enabling healthy growth and wellness through hydration.