Most frequent questions and answers

Lotus Drip IVs are similar to IVs you would find at your local hospital. Our IVs consist of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are found in the body naturally. Adding these nutrients gives the body more of what your organs need to function properly.

Our IV infusions take approximately 30-to-45 minutes for the drip to be fully administered.

Depending on your nutritional and hydration status, you may see dramatic effects after the first IV. Athletes who get IVs regularly will feel less dramatic effects as their body starts to obtain optimal hydration and nutritional balance.

No major side effects are usually seen; however, some do experience some cooling of the arm and a vitamin taste in the mouth. Do not worry, as this is all normal.

You can look through our different offerings here. Our pricing ranges from $20 injections to $399 diagnostic micronutrient testing with a licensed physician. From top to bottom, every treatment serves to improve your body’s performance and overall wellness.

Negative reactions are slim to none, as this procedure is proven to be advantageous and safe. Either way, every client is monitored. If some discomfort begins, we will simply monitor you over time and stop if necessary. Most people respond favorably to the therapy, feeling energized and alert from the beginning.

If you retain fluids, have kidney problems, have a history of renal failure, or suffer from certain life-threatening health conditions, you should not engage in nutrient IV Therapy. We always recommend that you check with our primary care provider at our clinic if you’re unsure. However, anyone with a healthy history can safely obtain their benefits.

None of our IVs contain toxins that are found in medicine or pharmaceuticals, so no one experiences an overdose of any kind. If you are healthy, theoretically it is safe for daily use. Realistically, most athletes do not put such high demands on their bodies where they would need daily nutrient IV Therapy. Our most frequent dosage is a twice-weekly program. But you should tailor your IV Therapy to your lifestyle.

Every clients pain tolerance is different. Where some find needles to be relatively painless, others find it a bit painful. If you experience any level of pain, we have ways of making the process more comfortable. However, this procedure is in no way excruciating.

What does a Lotus flower mean spiritually? Lotus flower meaning includes purity, fertility, compassion, transformation, and spiritual enlightenment.

To start, the lotus has a life cycle unlike any other plant. With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re- blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean. In many cultures, this process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment.

Lotus Drip Wellness Suite was created with a desire to educate the community on the benefits of IV hydration as well as the opportunity to introduce the community to this type of luxury self-care lifestyle. With an overall commitment to enabling healthy growth and wellness through hydration.