Hair Restoration

Starting at $ 650 USD

PRP Hair Restoration

Male pattern and female pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) is believed to be due to a combination of genetics and effects of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the hair follicle’s pilo-sebaceous unit. Treatment can include minoxidil, finasteride, hair transplant surgery, or PRP.

PRP treatment to the scalp has been studied clinically and found to increase hair regrowth significantly and safely in androgenetic alopecia (hair loss)—in men and women and alopecia areata (typically found in women). You can expect to see the full effect of hair growth in 3 months.


Treatments occur 4-6 weeks apart, with a minimum of 3 treatments.


You can expect to see the full effect of hair growth in 3 months. The PRP effect lasts 6-9 months in male-pattern baldness with most getting very good results. In women results are even better: it lasts 18 months, with 75% of women getting a 90% improvement in hair restoration.


Want to learn more? Book a consultation today!